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Ted Slauson: The Man Who Beat The Price is Right – REWIND
Originally released September 13, 2021. In 2008, a man named Terry Kneiss won a double showcase on The Price is Right by making a perfect bid of $23,743 dollars. But […]
Stupid Contagion: The Limping Ladies of London – REWIND
Originally released April, 2021. Upper-class ladies in Victorian Era England put on a fake limp as a fashion statement. It was just one of many ways they emulated the beautiful […]
A Hidden Gem at a Government Auction
A recent government auction listed a “1989 Airstream Executive Air Coach” with little to no details about its history. Internet sleuths soon discovered that the RV was an important part […]
The Anti-Mask Controversy: It’s Not New- REWIND
Originally released October 11, 2021. “Anti-Mask” rants have taken over school board meetings, city council meetings, airplanes and stores throughout America. But did people act like this during the Flu […]
OOPS! All Interviews – A clip show!
We’ve been fortunate to have some amazing guests over the last couple years! In this episode, we feature some highlights from some of our interviews with those guests! In this […]
James Brown 1968: Healing a Nation’s Wounds -REWIND
Originally released on January 25th, 2021. I recently learned that historians credit a 1968 James Brown concert with saving the city of Boston from riots after the assassination of Dr. Martin […]
The Memphis Pyramid and the Crystal Skull
When construction workers were on top of the giant pyramid in downtown Memphis, Tennessee, they discovered a small metal box welded to the structure. Inside, they were shocked to find […]
Edgar Allan Poe and the Cabin Boy, Richard Parker
When Edgar Allan Poe wrote his only novel in 1838, he included a grim story about a young cabin boy who was killed and eaten at sea so that other […]
The Thing: When The Soviets Spied and Got Caught – REWIND
In 1945, a wooden plaque of the “Great Seal” was given to the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union. It hung on the wall by his desk for years […]
The Cross Florida Barge Canal
For more than 100 years, there were plans to cut a canal through the middle of the Florida Peninsula. It would have allowed a huge shipping lane from the Gulf […]
Forgotten history, bizarre tales & facts that seem too strange to be true! Host Michael Kent asks listeners to tell him something strange, bizarre or surprising that they've recently learned and he gets to the bottom of it! Every episode ends by playing a gameshow-style quiz game with a celebrity guest. Part of the WCBE Podcast Experience.
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