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The Immovable Ladder and The Status Quo
Since the early 18th century, a small wooden ladder has rested against a window at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In this episode, we learn about “The […]
Pablo Escobar’s Cocaine Hippos – REWIND
Originally released June 27, 2022. Colombia’s Cocaine Kingpin smuggled 4 hippos onto his estate in the late 70s and now, almost 30 years after his death, they’ve multiplied into a […]
Real or Fake? Palisade, Nevada’s “Wild” West
As tourists stepped off the train in Palisade, Nevada, they witnessed brawls, cowboys & Indians, shootouts and all of the other scenes that they had read about in their dime […]
Running Out of Bullets: Greeks & Turks
When the Greeks fought for their independence from the Ottoman Turks in 1821, they began the war with a siege of the Acropolis – one of their most revered and […]
Mind Your Business: Our First Minted Coin – REWIND
In memory of my Father-in-Law, this episode was one of his favorites. It was first released in July of 2021. Despite the United States Mint not being established until 1792, […]
The Amazing Pearl Harbor Prediction of Billy Mitchell
Billy Mitchell is often referred to as the Father of the United States Air Force. He was the first one to suggest that airplanes could be used to drop bombs […]
Thumbless Draft Dodging Romans
To avoid conscription into the Roman Army, some Romans adopted the practice of removing their own thumbs! In this short episode, we talk about this bizarre practice! Remember in the […]
Stuart Little and the Hungarian Masterpiece
An Art Historian from Budapest, Hungary was watching a film with his granddaughter when he recognized a painting in the background. It was a long-lost missing masterpiece from Róbert Berény. […]
The Blackest Black vs. The Pinkest Pink
In 2016, Surrey Nanosystems created a substance known as “The Blackest Black.” Immediately, a British artist purchased the exclusive rights to use the “Vantablack” substance in art. The art world […]
Why Sammy Davis Jr. Left the Church of Satan – REWIND
Originally released Was Sammy Davis Jr. a member of the Church of Satan? It’s widely known that he converted to Judaism after the auto accident that took his eye, but […]
Forgotten history, bizarre tales & facts that seem too strange to be true! Host Michael Kent asks listeners to tell him something strange, bizarre or surprising that they've recently learned and he gets to the bottom of it! Every episode ends by playing a gameshow-style quiz game with a celebrity guest. Part of the WCBE Podcast Experience.
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